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How Do You Say New Year's Resolution in German?

Updated: Aug 26

Germans are known for being avid planners, so it comes as no surprise that we also have a word for "New Year's resolution". So what is it? Scroll down to find out.

The term for "New Year’s Resolution" in German is "Neujahrsvorsatz." This word is a combination of "Neujahr," meaning "New Year," and "Vorsatz," which translates to "resolution" or "intention." As the New Year approaches, many people in German-speaking countries, much like elsewhere in the world, begin to reflect on the past year and set resolutions for the year ahead.

1. Making New Year’s Resolutions: Common Phrases and Dialogues

When discussing New Year’s resolutions in German, certain phrases and vocabulary will be helpful. Below are some dialogues that you might find useful if you are engaging in a conversation about Neujahrsvorsätze.

Dialogue 1: Asking About New Year’s Resolutions

You: Hast du schon Neujahrsvorsätze gefasst?**(Have you already made New Year’s resolutions?)

Friend: Ja, ich habe mir vorgenommen, mehr Sport zu treiben und mich gesünder zu ernähren. Und du?**(Yes, I’ve decided to exercise more and eat healthier. And you?)

You: Ich möchte mehr Zeit mit meiner Familie verbringen und weniger Zeit am Handy.**(I want to spend more time with my family and less time on my phone.)

Friend: Das klingt nach guten Vorsätzen. Ich hoffe, wir können sie einhalten!**(Those sound like good resolutions. I hope we can keep them!)

Dialogue 2: Discussing Past Resolutions

You: Wie liefen deine Vorsätze vom letzten Jahr? Hast du sie einhalten können?**(How did your resolutions from last year go? Were you able to keep them?)

Friend: Nicht alle, aber ich habe es geschafft, regelmäßig joggen zu gehen. Mit dem gesünderen Essen war es schwieriger.**(Not all, but I managed to go jogging regularly. Eating healthier was more difficult.)

You: Das ist doch schon ein Erfolg. Manchmal muss man sich kleine Ziele setzen.**(That’s already a success. Sometimes you need to set small goals.)

Friend: Genau, und dieses Jahr versuche ich es wieder.**(Exactly, and this year I’m trying again.)

2. Typical New Year’s Resolutions in German-Speaking Countries

Just like in other parts of the world, people in German-speaking countries often set resolutions that focus on self-improvement, health, and personal goals. Here are some of the most common Neujahrsvorsätze:

Mehr Sport treiben (Exercising more)

This is perhaps one of the most popular resolutions. Many people resolve to start or increase their exercise routine, whether it’s joining a gym, running, or practicing yoga. In German-speaking countries, it’s common to see a surge in gym memberships in January, as people seek to turn over a new leaf with their fitness goals.

Example Dialogue: Discussing Exercise Resolutions

You: Ich habe mir vorgenommen, dieses Jahr regelmäßig ins Fitnessstudio zu gehen.**(I’ve resolved to go to the gym regularly this year.)

Friend: Das habe ich letztes Jahr auch versucht. Die ersten Wochen waren leicht, aber danach wurde es schwer.**(I tried that last year too. The first few weeks were easy, but it got harder afterward.)

You: Ja, das kenne ich. Aber dieses Mal werde ich durchhalten!**(Yes, I know that feeling. But this time I’m going to stick with it!)

Gesünder essen (Eating healthier)

Another common resolution is to adopt a healthier diet. This might include eating more vegetables, reducing sugar intake, or cooking more meals at home rather than eating out. Germans are known for their love of bread, meat, and hearty meals, but the trend toward healthier eating has been growing, with more people incorporating vegetarian and vegan options into their diets.

Example Dialogue: Discussing Healthy Eating

You: Ich möchte dieses Jahr gesünder essen, weniger Fleisch und mehr Gemüse.**(I want to eat healthier this year, less meat and more vegetables.)

Friend: Das ist ein guter Vorsatz. Hast du schon neue Rezepte ausprobiert?**(That’s a good resolution. Have you tried any new recipes yet?)

You: Ja, gestern habe ich einen leckeren Salat mit Quinoa gemacht. Ich war positiv überrascht!**(Yes, I made a delicious quinoa salad yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised!)

Friend: Das klingt lecker. Vielleicht probiere ich das auch mal.**(That sounds delicious. Maybe I’ll try that too.)

Mehr Zeit mit der Familie verbringen (Spending more time with family)

With the hustle and bustle of modern life, spending quality time with family is something many people strive for. This resolution often involves planning more family activities, like weekend outings, or simply dedicating more time to being present with loved ones.

Example Dialogue: Planning Family Time

You: Dieses Jahr möchte ich mehr Zeit mit meiner Familie verbringen. Vielleicht einen Familienausflug planen.**(This year, I want to spend more time with my family. Maybe plan a family trip.)

Friend: Das ist eine tolle Idee. Hast du schon ein Ziel im Kopf?**(That’s a great idea. Do you already have a destination in mind?)

You: Noch nicht genau, aber vielleicht fahren wir in die Berge zum Wandern.**(Not exactly, but maybe we’ll go to the mountains for a hike.)

Friend: Das klingt nach Spaß. Ich sollte auch mehr Zeit mit meiner Familie verbringen.**(That sounds fun. I should spend more time with my family too.)

Weniger Stress (Reducing stress)

In today’s fast-paced world, reducing stress is a crucial goal for many. This might involve adopting relaxation techniques, such as meditation, or finding a better work-life balance. In German-speaking countries, the emphasis on Work-Life-Balance is strong, and many people set this as a key resolution.

Example Dialogue: Discussing Stress Reduction

You: Einer meiner Vorsätze ist, weniger Stress im Alltag zu haben.**(One of my resolutions is to have less stress in my daily life.)

Friend: Wie planst du das zu erreichen?**(How do you plan to achieve that?)

You: Ich möchte öfter meditieren und mir bewusste Pausen im Alltag nehmen.**(I want to meditate more often and take intentional breaks during the day.)

Friend: Das klingt sehr vernünftig. Ich sollte das auch versuchen.**(That sounds very reasonable. I should try that too.)

Eine neue Sprache lernen (Learning a new language)

Many people use the New Year as an opportunity to start learning a new language. In a multicultural continent like Europe, knowing multiple languages is a valuable skill, and German-speaking individuals often set resolutions to improve their English or learn another language entirely.

Example Dialogue: Discussing Language Learning

You: Ich habe mir vorgenommen, dieses Jahr Spanisch zu lernen.**(I’ve resolved to learn Spanish this year.)

Friend: Das ist toll! Warum hast du dich für Spanisch entschieden?**(That’s great! Why did you choose Spanish?)

You: Ich plane, im Sommer nach Spanien zu reisen, und möchte mich dort verständigen können.**(I’m planning to travel to Spain in the summer and want to be able to communicate there.)

Friend: Das ist eine gute Motivation. Viel Erfolg!**(That’s good motivation. Good luck!)

Mehr Lesen (Reading more)

With the rise of digital distractions, many people resolve to read more books in the new year. This resolution often involves setting specific reading goals, such as reading a certain number of books or dedicating time each day to reading.

Example Dialogue: Discussing Reading Goals

You: Ich möchte dieses Jahr mehr lesen. Mindestens ein Buch pro Monat.**(I want to read more this year. At least one book per month.)

Friend: Das ist ein guter Vorsatz. Hast du schon Bücher im Kopf, die du lesen möchtest?**(That’s a good resolution. Do you have any books in mind that you want to read?)

You: Ja, ich habe eine Liste mit Romanen, die ich schon lange lesen wollte.**(Yes, I have a list of novels that I’ve been wanting to read for a long time.)

Friend: Vielleicht können wir uns gegenseitig Bücher empfehlen.**(Maybe we can recommend books to each other.)

You: Das wäre super. Ich bin immer auf der Suche nach neuen Empfehlungen.**(That would be great. I’m always looking for new recommendations.)

3. The Importance of New Year’s Resolutions in German Culture

New Year’s resolutions are an integral part of the cultural landscape in German-speaking countries. They reflect the values of self-improvement, discipline, and planning, which are deeply ingrained in the culture. Germans, Austrians, and Swiss tend to approach their resolutions with a sense of purpose and determination.


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