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German Names of 50 Common Household Chores: A Beginner’s Guide

Writer's picture: Jens OlesenJens Olesen

Updated: Jan 21

Learning the vocabulary for common household chores in German is not only practical but also a great way to expand your understanding of everyday German. Whether you're living in a German-speaking country, working on a language course, or just want to improve your language skills, knowing how to talk about cleaning, organizing, and household maintenance will come in handy. From cleaning the bathroom to doing the laundry, understanding these terms will help you discuss and handle your daily chores in German.

In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to 50 common household chores in German, organised by room and task. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a robust vocabulary to discuss cleaning routines, organise household tasks, and describe your daily responsibilities in German.

German Names of 50 Common Household Chores: A Beginner’s Guide

1. General Household Chores (Allgemeine Hausarbeiten)

These are the most common chores that cover the general upkeep of your home. From vacuuming to tidying up, these tasks are essential for keeping your house clean and organised.

  1. Das Haus putzen – To clean the house

  2. Staubsaugen – To vacuum

  3. Staub wischen – To dust

  4. Aufräumen – To tidy up

  5. Fegen – To sweep

  6. Wischen – To mop

  7. Den Boden schrubben – To scrub the floor

  8. Das Fenster putzen – To clean the windows

  9. Den Müll rausbringen – To take out the trash

  10. Den Tisch decken – To set the table

Tip: Start by describing your daily chores in German. For example: "Jeden Tag sauge ich Staub und wische den Boden." (Every day, I vacuum and mop the floor.)

2. Kitchen Chores (Küchenarbeiten)

Keeping the kitchen clean and organized is a big part of daily life. Whether you're cooking, cleaning, or organizing, these German words will help you talk about your kitchen tasks.

  1. Das Geschirr spülen – To wash the dishes

  2. Den Geschirrspüler ausräumen – To empty the dishwasher

  3. Den Geschirrspüler einräumen – To load the dishwasher

  4. Den Kühlschrank sauber machen – To clean the refrigerator

  5. Den Herd putzen – To clean the stove

  6. Die Arbeitsfläche abwischen – To wipe the countertop

  7. Die Schränke ordnen – To organize the cupboards

  8. Den Müll trennen – To separate the trash (for recycling)

  9. Das Essen vorbereiten – To prepare the food

  10. Die Abfälle entsorgen – To dispose of the food waste

Tip: Practice describing your kitchen routine in German, such as: "Nach dem Abendessen spüle ich das Geschirr und räume den Geschirrspüler aus." (After dinner, I wash the dishes and empty the dishwasher.) Learn about the German names of kitchen items in our related post.

3. Bathroom Chores (Badezimmerarbeiten)

The bathroom requires regular cleaning, and knowing the names of these common bathroom chores in German will help you talk about how you keep it sparkling clean.

  1. Das Badezimmer putzen – To clean the bathroom

  2. Die Toilette reinigen – To clean the toilet

  3. Das Waschbecken putzen – To clean the sink

  4. Die Dusche putzen – To clean the shower

  5. Den Spiegel abwischen – To wipe the mirror

  6. Die Fliesen schrubben – To scrub the tiles

  7. Die Badewanne reinigen – To clean the bathtub

  8. Den Abfluss reinigen – To clean the drain

  9. Die Handtücher wechseln – To change the towels

  10. Den Mülleimer leeren – To empty the trash bin

Tip: Describe your bathroom cleaning tasks in German: "Einmal pro Woche reinige ich die Toilette und wische den Spiegel ab." (Once a week, I clean the toilet and wipe the mirror.)

4. Laundry Chores (Wäschearbeiten)

Laundry is a regular part of household maintenance, and being able to talk about it in German will be useful when you’re doing your laundry or organising household tasks.

  1. Die Wäsche waschen – To do the laundry

  2. Die Wäsche aufhängen – To hang up the laundry

  3. Die Wäsche falten – To fold the laundry

  4. Die Kleidung bügeln – To iron the clothes

  5. Das Bett frisch beziehen – To change the bed linens

  6. Die Kleidung sortieren – To sort the clothes

  7. Die Waschmaschine beladen – To load the washing machine

  8. Die Waschmaschine ausräumen – To unload the washing machine

  9. Die Handtücher waschen – To wash the towels

  10. Die Bettwäsche wechseln – To change the bedding

Tip: Describe your laundry process in German: "Jeden Samstag wasche ich die Wäsche und falte die Kleidung." (Every Saturday, I do the laundry and fold the clothes.)

5. Yard and Garden Chores (Gartenarbeiten)

If you have a yard or garden, knowing these words will help you talk about outdoor maintenance tasks in German, from mowing the lawn to watering the plants.

  1. Den Rasen mähen – To mow the lawn

  2. Die Pflanzen gießen – To water the plants

  3. Die Hecke schneiden – To trim the hedge

  4. Unkraut jäten – To weed

  5. Die Blumen pflanzen – To plant the flowers

  6. Den Garten umgraben – To dig the garden

  7. Laub rechen – To rake the leaves

  8. Den Komposthaufen umdrehen – To turn the compost pile

  9. Das Auto waschen – To wash the car

  10. Den Gehweg kehren – To sweep the sidewalk

Tip: Practice talking about your outdoor chores in German: "Im Sommer mähe ich den Rasen und gieße die Pflanzen jeden Tag." (In summer, I mow the lawn and water the plants every day.)

How to Memorise German Vocabulary for Household Chores

Learning the German names for common household chores may seem like a challenge, but by practising regularly and using the words in real-life situations, you’ll quickly become comfortable with them. Here are some tips to help you remember these words:

1. Write a To-Do List in German

One practical way to practice is by writing your daily or weekly to-do list in German. For example, write: "Heute muss ich den Müll rausbringen, das Geschirr spülen und den Boden wischen." (Today, I have to take out the trash, wash the dishes, and mop the floor.) This helps you reinforce the vocabulary and apply it to your routine.

2. Label Cleaning Supplies

If you’re learning German, it can be helpful to label your cleaning supplies with their German names. For example, put a label on your "Staubsauger" (vacuum) or "Putzmittel" (cleaning product). Each time you reach for these items, you’ll see the German word and gradually remember it.

3. Practice in Real Time

As you do household chores, try saying the actions out loud in German. For example: "Jetzt sauge ich Staub und dann wische ich den Boden." (Now I’m vacuuming, and then I’ll mop the floor.) Speaking the words aloud while performing the tasks will help solidify them in your memory.

4. Create Flashcards

Make flashcards for each chore with the German word on one side and the English translation on the other. You can quiz yourself or use an app like Quizlet to reinforce your memory through repetition.

5. Watch German Home Improvement or Cleaning Videos

Many German YouTube channels or shows focus on home improvement, cleaning, and organisation. Watching native speakers talk about chores and maintenance will help you hear the vocabulary in context and improve your comprehension.


Learning the German names for common household chores is a practical and useful way to expand your vocabulary and feel more confident when talking about everyday responsibilities. Whether you're tidying up your home, doing laundry, or cleaning the bathroom, knowing these terms will help you communicate effectively about daily routines and household tasks in German.

By using these words regularly in your daily life and incorporating them into your vocabulary practice, you’ll soon be able to discuss all aspects of household maintenance with ease. If you want to further improve your German vocabulary or learn more about everyday language, consider taking online lessons with Olesen Tuition. Our experienced tutors will help you expand your vocabulary and develop your language skills in a practical and engaging way.

Viel Erfolg beim Lernen und Hausputz! (Good luck learning and doing your housework!)



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