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Writer's pictureJens Olesen

Understanding the Difference Between Partizip I and Partizip II in German

Updated: Oct 17, 2024

German grammar can often pose a significant challenge for learners. One aspect that frequently leads to confusion is the distinction between Partizip I (Present Participle) and Partizip II (Past Participle). These two grammatical forms serve distinct purposes and understanding their differences is crucial for mastering German. Let's delve into each of them and explore their usage with examples.

Participles in German explained
Participles in German explained

How To Form and Use Particles in German

Partizip I (Present Participle):

Partizip I, also known as the Present Participle or the Gerund in English, is formed by adding the suffix -d to the infinitive form of all verbs. Its primary functions include:

  • Ongoing Actions: It's used to indicate ongoing actions or states. Examples:

    • Sie verabschiedet sich winkend von ihren Freunden. (She says goodbye waving to her friends.)

    • Musik hörend sitzt er in der U-Bahn. (Listening to music, he sits in the subway.)

    • Am Freitag feiern sie Bier trinkend ihren Feierabend. (On Friday, they celebrate the end of the workday drinking beer.)

  • Adjectival Use: Partizip I can also function as an adjective, describing a noun by indicating the action it is performing. Bear in mind that when adjectives are placed before nouns the you need to add the correct adjective ending in German. Examples:

    • Das lächelnde Kind isst eine Bretzel. (The smiling child eats a pretzel.)

    • Die wütende Frau steigt in ihr Auto ein. (The angry woman gets in her car)

    • Der regelmäßig reisende Chef ist selten im Büro (The regularly travelling boss is rarely in the office)

  • Adverbial Use: It can act as an adverb, providing additional information about the action of the verb. Examples:

    • Er kommt schnaufend an seinem Haus an (He arrives at his house puffing).

    • Niesend betritt er den Bus. (Sneezing he enters the bus.)

    • Lachend antwortet er auf den Witz seines Kollegen. (He responding to his colleague’s joke laughing.)

Partizip II (Past Participle):

Partizip II, also known as the Past Participle, is formed by adding the ge- prefix to the verb stem for regular verbs, and it often undergoes vowel changes or other alterations for irregular verbs. More on this below. Its key functions include:

  • Perfect Tenses: Partizip II is used to form various perfect tenses, indicating completed actions or states. This is often paired with auxiliary verbs such as "haben" (to have) or "sein" (to be). Example:

    • Ich habe ein Buch gelesen (I have read a book).

    • Du hast gestern Tennis gespielt (You played tennis yesterday)

    • Er ist mit seinem Auto nach Deutschland gefahren. (He drove to Germany by car)

  • Passive Voice: In passive voice constructions, Partizip II is used along with the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb. Example:

    • Der Brief wird geschrieben (The letter is being written).

    • Der Flug wurde abgesagt (The flight was cancelled.)

    • Das Konzert ist verschoben worden. (The concert has been postponed.)

  • Adjectival Use: Similar to Partizip I, Partizip II can also be used as an adjective, often indicating a passive or completed state. Example:

    • Das gelesene Buch (The read book).

    • Die handgelesenen Kaffeebohnen. (The hand-picked coffee beans.)

    • Das ausverkaufte Konzert. (The sold-out concert.)

  • The Most Common Patterns of Partizip II in German

  • Regular Verbs (ge + stem + t/et) Regular verbs exhibit a distinct pattern in the Perfekt tense, marked by the addition of "ge" as a prefix to the verb. These verbs, with no stem alterations, typically end in "t" unless the stem ends in "d" or "t," where "et" is appended.

  • Examples: Ich habe gestern Tennis gespielt. Letzte Woche hat sie nicht gearbeitet. Hast du deine Hausaufgaben gemacht?

  • Irregular Verbs (ge + stem + en) Irregular verbs maintain the "ge" prefix but undergo stem changes. Notable patterns include:

  • Examples: Ich bin zum Supermarkt gefahren. Ich bin im Park gelaufen. Er hat nicht gut geschlafen.

  • Mixed Verbs (ge + stem change + t/et) Mixed verbs combine elements of regular and irregular patterns, requiring specific memorisation.

  • Examples: Er hat an seine Hausaufgaben gedacht. Er hat ihr einen Stift gebracht. Sie haben gewusst, dass Deutsch keine einfache Sprache ist.

  • Separable Verbs (prefix + ge + stem + t/et/en) Separable verbs, often irregular, include prefixes. However, regular separable verbs exist and necessitate dedicated learning.

  • Examples: Bist du in Lissabon angekommen? Wir haben gestern ferngesehen. Sie hat vor vielen Jahren mit dem Rauchen aufgehört.

  • Inseparable Verbs (without "ge") Certain verbs, typically beginning with specific prefixes or ending in "-ieren," lack the "ge" in Perfekt formation.

  • Examples: Der Kellner hat die Rechnung bezahlt. Sie haben sich schnell entschieden. Wir haben die Anweisungen verstanden.

Key Differences:

While both Partizip I and Partizip II can be used adjectivally, in progressive tenses, and in perfect tenses, their fundamental difference lies in their temporal aspect. Partizip I typically refers to ongoing or concurrent actions, while Partizip II indicates completed or passive actions.

Furthermore, Partizip I is more commonly used in informal contexts and tends to convey a sense of immediacy, whereas Partizip II is prevalent in more formal or written language and denotes a sense of completion. Both participles are used as adjectives, to shorten or replace substitute clauses, such as relative clauses, or to build compound tenses, such as the perfect tense in German and the German past perfect tense.


Understanding the nuances between Partizip I and Partizip II is essential for achieving fluency in German. While they share some similarities in usage, particularly in their adjectival functions and association with auxiliary verbs, their distinct temporal aspects delineate their roles in the language. With practice and exposure to various contexts, learners can gradually master the application of both Partizip I and Partizip II, enriching their proficiency in German grammar and communication.

You might also want to read through our post on essential German grammar topics for advanced students. And if you found this post helpful, please leave a like or a comment so that others find it.


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