In many cultures, small talk is essential to social interactions, whether at work, in a coffee shop, or even at a bus stop. But what about in Germany? Germans are often stereotyped as direct and to the point, which raises the question: Do Germans engage in small talk?
Yes, Germans engage in small talk, but it’s done differently than in some other cultures.
German small talk tends to be more substantive and less superficial. While it might not be as common or elaborate as in other countries, Germans engage in small talk, especially in specific settings, such as work, cafes, social gatherings, or among people they know well. Below are some common topics of small talk in Germany, along with dialogues to help you get a feel for how these conversations might go. So, while German small talk may not be as extensive or as common as in the UK and the US, it still plays a role in building relationships and establishing rapport. In this blog post, I list some good topics for small talk in Germany, along with examples.

How to Engage in Small Talk in German
Weather: Example: "Das Wetter ist heute wirklich schön, oder?" (The weather is really nice today, isn't it?) Learn more about how to talk about the weather in German in our dedicated post.
Weekend Plans: Example: "Hast du am Wochenende etwas Besonderes geplant?" (Do you have any special plans for the weekend?)
Hobbies and Interests: Example: "Was machst du gerne in deiner Freizeit?" (What do you like to do in your free time?) Lean how to talk about your hobbies and how to use gern in German in our post dedicated to this topic.
Travel: Example: "Warst du schon einmal in (destination)?" (Have you ever been to (destination)?) Explore how to discuss holidays in German in another post.
Sports: Example: "Hast du das Fußballspiel gestern gesehen?" (Did you see the football game yesterday?)
Current Events or News: Example: "Hast du von den aktuellen Nachrichten gehört?" (Have you heard about the current news?)
Food and Drink: Example: "Ich habe gestern ein neues Restaurant ausprobiert. Kennst du es?" (I tried a new restaurant yesterday. Have you heard of it?)
Work or Study: Example: "Wie läuft es bei der Arbeit/Studium?" (How's work/study going?)
Local Culture or Events: Example: "Bist du schon einmal auf das Stadtfest gegangen?" (Have you ever been to the city festival?)
Example: "Dein Outfit sieht wirklich toll aus." (Your outfit looks great.)
1. Weather: A Universal Small Talk Topic
Like in many other cultures, the weather is a safe and common topic for small talk in Germany. However, Germans might discuss it in a more straightforward manner.
Dialogue: Discussing the Weather
Person A: Ganz schön kalt heute, oder?**(Pretty cold today, isn’t it?)
Person B: Ja, das stimmt. Der Winter ist dieses Jahr besonders streng.**(Yes, that’s true. Winter is particularly harsh this year.)
Person A: Ich hoffe, es schneit nicht noch mehr. Die Straßen sind schon ganz glatt.**(I hope it doesn’t snow even more. The roads are already quite slippery.)
Person B: Ja, Autofahren macht im Moment keinen Spaß.**(Yes, driving isn’t much fun at the moment.)
Person A: Aber es soll am Wochenende wieder wärmer werden.**(But it’s supposed to get warmer again over the weekend.)
Person B: Das wäre schön. Ich freue mich schon auf den Frühling.**(That would be nice. I’m already looking forward to spring.)
2. Work and Occupation: A Common Safe Topic
In Germany, people often discuss their work or what they do for a living, especially when getting to know someone new. However, this topic is generally approached with a bit of formality, especially in more professional settings.
Dialogue: Talking About Work
Person A: Was machen Sie beruflich, wenn ich fragen darf?**(What do you do for a living, if I may ask?)
Person B: Ich arbeite als Ingenieur bei Siemens. Und Sie?**(I work as an engineer at Siemens. And you?)
Person A: Ich bin Lehrerin an einer Grundschule.**(I’m a teacher at a primary school.)
Person B: Das klingt interessant. Welche Fächer unterrichten Sie?**(That sounds interesting. What subjects do you teach?)
Person A: Hauptsächlich Mathe und Deutsch.**(Mainly math and German.)
Person B: Das ist wichtig. Es ist gut, dass Kinder eine solide Basis in diesen Fächern bekommen.**(That’s important. It’s good that children get a solid foundation in those subjects.)
3. Weekend Plans: A Casual Conversation Starter
Talking about weekend plans is a common way to make small talk, especially on Fridays or at the end of the workday.
Dialogue: Discussing Weekend Plans
Person A: Haben Sie Pläne für das Wochenende?**(Do you have any plans for the weekend?)
Person B: Ja, ich werde meine Eltern besuchen. Und Sie?**(Yes, I’m going to visit my parents. And you?)
Person A: Ich plane, eine Wanderung in den Bergen zu machen. Das Wetter soll gut werden.**(I’m planning to go hiking in the mountains. The weather is supposed to be good.)
Person B: Das klingt toll! In welcher Gegend wollen Sie wandern?**(That sounds great! Where are you planning to hike?)
Person A: In der Nähe von Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Es gibt dort einige schöne Wege.**(Near Garmisch-Partenkirchen. There are some beautiful trails there.)
Person B: Ich war noch nie dort, aber ich habe viel Gutes gehört.**(I’ve never been there, but I’ve heard a lot of good things about it.)
4. Hobbies and Interests: A Deeper Connection
Discussing hobbies and interests can be a great way to connect with someone on a more personal level, especially if you share common interests.
Dialogue: Talking About Hobbies
Person A: Was machen Sie in Ihrer Freizeit?**(What do you do in your free time?)
Person B: Ich spiele gern Gitarre und gehe oft joggen. Und Sie?**(I like playing guitar and often go jogging. And you?)
Person A: Ich fotografiere gern und lese viel, besonders historische Romane.**(I enjoy photography and read a lot, especially historical novels.)
Person B: Das klingt interessant. Haben Sie eine Lieblingszeitperiode, über die Sie gerne lesen?**(That sounds interesting. Do you have a favorite time period you like to read about?)
Person A: Ja, das 19. Jahrhundert fasziniert mich besonders.**(Yes, the 19th century fascinates me the most.)
Person B: Ich habe kürzlich auch ein Buch über diese Zeit gelesen. Es war sehr aufschlussreich.**(I recently read a book about that period too. It was very insightful.)
5. Current Events: A Cautious Approach
While discussing current events can be common, it’s important to tread carefully, as this can sometimes lead to more intense discussions. Germans appreciate well-informed opinions, so make sure you’re prepared to back up your statements with facts.
Dialogue: Discussing Current Events
Person A: Haben Sie die Nachrichten heute Morgen gesehen?**(Did you see the news this morning?)
Person B: Ja, die neuen Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Pandemie wurden bekannt gegeben.**(Yes, the new measures to combat the pandemic were announced.)
Person A: Was halten Sie davon?**(What do you think about it?)
Person B: Ich denke, sie sind notwendig, aber es wird interessant sein zu sehen, wie die Leute reagieren.**(I think they’re necessary, but it will be interesting to see how people react.)
Person A: Ja, es wird sicherlich eine Herausforderung sein, aber hoffentlich bringt es positive Ergebnisse.**(Yes, it will certainly be a challenge, but hopefully, it will bring positive results.)
Person B: Genau, man muss optimistisch bleiben.**(Exactly, you have to stay optimistic.)
6. Traveling: Sharing Experiences
Travel is a favourite topic of small talk in Germany, especially when people are just back from vacation or planning a trip. Discussing travel can often lead to longer conversations.
Dialogue: Talking About Travel
Person A: Waren Sie kürzlich im Urlaub?**(Did you go on vacation recently?)
Person B: Ja, ich war für eine Woche in Italien. Es war wunderschön.**(Yes, I was in Italy for a week. It was beautiful.)
Person A: Welche Städte haben Sie besucht?**(Which cities did you visit?)
Person B: Wir waren in Rom und Florenz. Die Kunst und Architektur dort sind einfach atemberaubend.**(We were in Rome and Florence. The art and architecture there are simply breathtaking.)
Person A: Das klingt fantastisch. Haben Sie den Vatikan besucht?**(That sounds fantastic. Did you visit the Vatican?)
Person B: Ja, und es war überwältigend. So viel Geschichte auf einem Ort.**(Yes, and it was overwhelming. So much history in one place.)
Person A: Italien steht definitiv auf meiner Liste. Vielleicht nächstes Jahr.**(Italy is definitely on my list. Maybe next year.)
7. Health and Wellness: A Common but Sensitive Topic
Health and wellness have become increasingly common topics of small talk, especially post-pandemic. However, it’s important to be mindful of how personal this topic can be.
Dialogue: Talking About Health
Person A: Wie halten Sie sich fit?**(How do you stay fit?)
Person B: Ich gehe regelmäßig ins Fitnessstudio und achte auf meine Ernährung. Und Sie?**(I go to the gym regularly and watch my diet. And you?)
Person A: Ich mache Yoga und versuche, regelmäßig zu joggen.**(I do yoga and try to jog regularly.)
Person B: Yoga ist toll. Es hilft mir, mich zu entspannen und stressfrei zu bleiben.**(Yoga is great. It helps me relax and stay stress-free.)
Person A: Ja, das stimmt. Ich finde auch, dass es gut für die Flexibilität ist.**(Yes, that’s true. I also find it’s great for flexibility
Person B: Definitiv. Haben Sie irgendwelche Wellness-Tipps?**(Definitely. Do you have any wellness tips?)
Person A: Viel Wasser trinken und genug Schlaf bekommen sind für mich die wichtigsten Dinge.**(Drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep are the most important things for me.)
8. Family and Personal Life: Building Connections
In Germany, discussing family can be a way to build a closer connection, but it's usually reserved for more familiar relationships or once you’ve established some rapport.
Dialogue: Talking About Family
Person A: Haben Sie Kinder?**(Do you have children?)
Person B: Ja, zwei. Einen Sohn und eine Tochter.**(Yes, two. A son and a daughter.)
Person A: Wie alt sind sie?**(How old are they?)
Person B: Mein Sohn ist acht und meine Tochter ist fünf.**(My son is eight, and my daughter is five.)
Person A: Das ist ein schönes Alter. Meine Nichte ist auch fünf und sie liebt es, zu malen.**(That’s a nice age. My niece is also five, and she loves painting.)
Person B: Das ist toll! Meine Tochter malt auch sehr gern. Vielleicht werden sie ja Künstlerinnen.**(That’s great! My daughter also loves to paint. Maybe they’ll become artists someday.)
9. Celebrations and Holidays: Sharing Joyful Moments
Talking about holidays and how they are celebrated is a common and cheerful way to engage in small talk, especially around festive seasons.
Dialogue: Discussing Celebrations and Holidays
Person A: Wie feiern Sie Weihnachten?**(How do you celebrate Christmas?)
Person B: Wir feiern immer im Kreise der Familie. Wir haben ein großes Festessen und tauschen Geschenke aus.**(We always celebrate with family. We have a big feast and exchange gifts.)
Person A: Das klingt gemütlich. Haben Sie besondere Traditionen?**(That sounds cozy. Do you have any special traditions?)
Person B: Ja, wir gehen jedes Jahr am Heiligabend in die Kirche und singen Weihnachtslieder.**(Yes, we go to church every Christmas Eve and sing carols.)
Person A: Das mache ich auch! Es bringt einen richtig in Weihnachtsstimmung.**(I do that too! It really gets you in the Christmas spirit.)
Person B: Absolut. Und Sie? Wie feiern Sie?**(Absolutely. And you? How do you celebrate?)
Person A: Bei uns gibt es immer ein großes Abendessen und danach schauen wir uns einen Weihnachtsfilm an.**(We always have a big dinner and then watch a Christmas movie afterward.)
10. Pets: A Lighthearted Topic
Pets are a lighthearted and popular topic of conversation. Whether discussing your own pets or asking about others', this can be an enjoyable way to make small talk.
Dialogue: Talking About Pets
Person A: Haben Sie Haustiere?**(Do you have pets?)
Person B: Ja, ich habe einen Hund namens Max. Und Sie?**(Yes, I have a dog named Max. And you?)
Person A: Ich habe eine Katze, sie heißt Minka. Sie ist sehr verschmust.**(I have a cat, her name is Minka. She’s very cuddly.)
Person B: Das klingt niedlich. Wie alt ist sie?**(That sounds adorable. How old is she?)
Person A: Sie ist sechs Jahre alt, aber immer noch sehr verspielt.**(She’s six years old but still very playful.)
Person B: Max ist auch verspielt, besonders wenn wir spazieren gehen.**(Max is also playful, especially when we go for walks.)
Person A: Es ist schön, ein Haustier zu haben. Sie bringen so viel Freude.**(It’s nice to have a pet. They bring so much joy.)
Germans do engage in small talk, but the topics tend to be more meaningful and less superficial than in some other cultures. Small talk in Germany often revolves around work, hobbies, current events, and even the weather, but it is usually direct and to the point. By familiarizing yourself with the dialogues and phrases presented here, you can comfortably engage in small talk with German speakers, whether you’re discussing the weather, your weekend plans, or how your pet is doing.
Remember, the key to successful small talk in Germany is to be respectful, listen attentively, and be ready to share a bit about yourself in return. Whether you’re making new friends, connecting with colleagues, or just passing the time, small talk is a valuable skill that can help you feel more at home in a German-speaking environment. Viel Spaß beim Gespräch! (Enjoy the conversation!)
On our German language learning blog, you'll find comprehensive explanations of topics as wide ranging as German adjective declensions, the Konjunktiv II in German, and the German passive voice.