We're thrilled to announce our brand-new blog series: Essential German Words and Phrases. Whether you're brushing up on your German or starting from scratch, this series has got you covered! In our first post, which is now live, we're covering everything you need to know to do your supermarket shopping in German.
🚀 New posts drop every Tuesday at 3 PM—perfect for your afternoon language boost!
🔔 Don't miss out on this fantastic resource to level up your German! Follow our journey every week and become a pro at navigating conversations in German, from everyday chats to impressing your in-laws. The first three posts in the series are live, covering supermarket shopping in German, mastering doctor's appointments in German, and German words and phrases for registering to live in Germany.
💬 Tag a friend who’s learning German and let’s get fluent together!
The link to the latest post is in the bio! 🌟