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Talking about Daily Routines in German: A Beginner's Guide

Writer's picture: Jens OlesenJens Olesen

Updated: Apr 29, 2024

Navigating daily routines is an integral part of life, and being able to discuss them in German opens up a world of communication opportunities. In this beginner's guide, we'll explore essential vocabulary and phrases to talk about daily activities in German, along with helpful examples and their English translations.

Discussing daily routines in German
Discussing daily routines in German

1. Getting Up - Aufstehen:

  • German: Ich stehe um 7 Uhr auf. (I get up at 7 o'clock.)

  • Please note that “aufstehen” is a separable verb in German, which is why it splits in the example.

2. Taking a Shower - Duschen:

  • Ich dusche mich. (I take a shower.)

3. Getting Dressed - Sich Anziehen:

  • Ich ziehe mich an. (I get dressed)

  • Sich anziehen is a reflexive verb in German.

4. Making Breakfast - Frühstück machen:

  • Ich mache mir ein Frühstück mit Brot und Kaffee. (I make myself breakfast with bread and coffee.)

5. Brushing teeth - Zähne putzen:

  • Ich putze mir die Zähne.

  • “mir“ in this and the previous example is the dative case in German.

6. Going to Work - Zur Arbeit gehen:

  • Ich gehe um 8 Uhr zur Arbeit. (I go to work at 8 o'clock.)

7. Writing Emails - E-Mails schreiben:

  • Ich schreibe morgens E-Mails an meine Kollegen. (I write emails to my colleagues in the morning.)

9. Attending Meetings - An Besprechungen (Meetings) teilnehmen:

  • Am Nachmittag nehme ich an einer wichtigen Besprechung (an einem wichtigen Meeting) teil. (In the afternoon, I attend an important meeting.)

  • Teilnehmen is another separable verb.

10. Arranging Meetings - Besprechungen/Termine/Meetings vereinbaren:

11. Heading Home - Nach Hause gehen/fahren:

  • Nach der Arbeit gehe ich nach Hause und entspanne mich (After work, I go home and relax.)

9. Cooking - Kochen:

  • Ich koche Abendessen. (I cook dinner.)

10. Winding Down - Entspannen:

  • Abends lese ich ein Buch oder sehe fern, um zu entspannen. (In evenings, I read a book or watch TV to relax.)

11. Weekend Activities - Wochenendaktivitäten:

  • Am Wochenende gehe ich gerne spazieren oder treffe Freunde. (At the weekend, I enjoy going for walks or meeting friends.)

You might also want to read through my related posts and learn about how to talk about hobbies in German, and how to arrange appointments in German.

Mastering daily routines vocabulary and phrases in German is a valuable skill for effective communication in everyday life. By learning and practicing these essential expressions, beginners can confidently discuss their daily activities with others, whether at work, at home, or during leisure time. Keep practicing, and soon you'll be able to effortlessly navigate daily conversations in German! Viel Erfolg (Good luck)!



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