Whether you're travelling to a German-speaking country, engaging in conversation with native speakers, or simply expanding your language skills, knowing the names of body parts in German can be incredibly useful. In this blog post, we'll explore 50 body parts and their names in German.
Body Parts and their German Translation
Head and Face
Head - der Kopf
Hair - die Haare
Forehead - die Stirn
Eyes - die Augen
Nose - die Nase
Ears - die Ohren
Mouth - der Mund
Lips - die Lippen
Teeth - die Zähne
Chin - das Kinn
Upper Body
Neck - der Hals
Shoulder - die Schulter
Chest - die Brust
Back - der Rücken
Arm - der Arm
Elbow - der Ellenbogen
Hand - die Hand
Finger - der Finger
Wrist - das Handgelenk
Lower Body
Stomach - der Bauch
Waist - die Taille
Hip - die Hüfte
Leg - das Bein
Thigh - der Oberschenkel
Knee - das Knie
Calf - die Wade
Ankle - der Knöchel
Foot - der Fuß
Toe - die Zehe
Internal Organs
Brain - das Gehirn
Heart - das Herz
Lungs - die Lunge
Liver - die Leber
Stomach - der Magen
Intestines - die Därme
Kidney - die Niere
Bladder - die Blase
Spleen - die Milz
Pancreas - die Bauchspeicheldrüse
Skin - die Haut
Blood - das Blut
Bone - der Knochen
Muscle - der Muskel
Nerve - der Nerv
Joint - das Gelenk
Cell - die Zelle
Vein - die Vene
Artery - die Arterie
Tendon - die Sehne
Cartilage - der Knorpel
Learning the names of these body parts in German can enhance your language skills and improve your ability to communicate effectively in various situations. Practice using these words in context to solidify your understanding and expand your vocabulary. Whether you're describing an injury, discussing health issues, or simply engaging in everyday conversation, knowing the names of body parts in German will undoubtedly be beneficial.
On our blog, you‘ll also learn how to say it hurts in German, essential German words and phrases for doctor consultations, and crucial German words and phrases for going to the pharmacy.